Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Insane Leg Workouts

Dumbbell Overhead Bulgarian Split Squat

Exercise 1

Sets: 4–5, Reps: 8–12 each side

START: Grasp a light dumbbell in one hand, stand erect and place the top or toes of the same-side foot on a box or bench behind you, knee bent. Press the weight overhead so your arm is directly over your shoulder.Concentrate on your weights and control your breathe

EXECUTION: Keeping your arm extended, bend your front knee and hips to descend straight toward the floor. When your front quad comes parallel to the floor, press back up through your front heel to return to the start. Repeat for reps, then switch sides.keep rest for 1-2 minutes and start the next set

Exercise 2

Kettlebell Swing With Flip to Squat

Sets: 2–4, Reps: 8–15
START: Grasp the handle of a kettlebell with both hands and stand erect with your arms hanging straight toward the floor, feet roughly shoulder-width apart.

EXECUTION: Bend your knees to dip down while lowering the weight between your legs. Keeping your arms extended, explosively swing the kettlebell up by extending your knees and hips, and lifting your arms. As the weight passes shoulder level, quickly bend your elbows and knees to drop underneath it (letting it flip over in your hands) and catch it in front of you in a full squat position. Stand up while pressing the kettlebell overhead, then drop back down to the start.

Exercise 3


EXECUTION: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding dumbells at your sides. Take one giant step forward with your right foot, and upon your foot's landing, bend your right knee at a 90° angle, making sure your knee stays behind your toes, while simultaneously bending your left leg toward the floor. Push yourself back up to your starting position, and repeat the movement. Try to do 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps on each side; if you see that you can do more, without feeling a burn, increase the weight of the dumbells you are holding, until 12 reps is a challenge.

Exercise 4

Leg extentions

EXECUTION: Sit on the leg extention machine, with your knees bent and the foot pad on your shins. Straighten your legs, until they are parallel to the floor. Then bring them back down. You guessed it: 3-4 sets, 8-12 reps.


Dead lifts

EXECUTION: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, making sure not to lock your knees. Hold a barbell loaded with weights, palms facing down, hands shoulder-width apart, making sure not to lock your elbows. Keeping your back straight, bend forward at the waist, bringing the barbell down near your ankles. Using your hamstrings and your buttocks (not your back), come back up to your starting position, with a slight thrusting motion. You know the drill.

That BACK though💪🏼